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Publications and Conference Proceedings by the Team:
“Extended Multilingual protest news detection – Shared Task 1, CASE 2021 and 2022”, Proceedings of the 5th workshop on challenges and applications of automated extraction of socio-political events from text (CASE 2022), 2022. (A. Hürriyetoğlu, O. Mutlu, F. Duruşan, O. Uca, A. S. Gürel, B. Radford, . . . E. Yörük). online: Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL).
“Challenges and Applications of Automated Extraction of Socio-political Events from Text (CASE 2022): Workshop and Shared Task Report”, Proceedings of the 5th workshop on challenges and applications of automated extraction of socio-political events from text (CASE 2022), 2022. (A. Hürriyetoğlu, H. Tanev, V. Zavarella, R. Yeniterzi, O. Mutlu and E. Yörük). Online: Association for Computational Linguistics.
“Zero-Shot Ranking Socio-Political Texts with Transformer Language Models to Reduce Close Reading Time”. Proceedings of the 5th workshop on challenges and applications of automated extraction of socio-political events from text (CASE 2022), 2022. (K. Kiymet Akdemir, and A. Hürriyetoğlu). online: Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL).
“Event Causality Identification with Causal News Corpus – Shared Task 3”. Proceedings of the 5th workshop on challenges and applications of automated extraction of socio-political events from text (CASE 2022), 2022. (F. A. Tan, A. Hürriyetoğlu, T. Caselli, N. Oostdijk, H. Hettiarachchi, T. Nomoto, . . . F. F. Liza). online: Association for Computational Linguistics.
“Tracking COVID-19 protest events in the United States. Shared Task 2: Event Database Replication”, Proceedings of the 5th workshop on challenges and applications of automated extraction of socio-political events from text (CASE 2022), 2022. (V. Zavarella, H. Tanev, A. Hürriyetoğlu, P. Wiriyathammabhum and B. De Longueville). online: Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL).
“The Causal News Corpus: Annotating Causal Relations in Event Sentences from News”, Proceedings of the language resources and evaluation conference (pp. 2298–2310), 2022. Marseille, France: European Language Resources Association. (F. A.Tan, A., Hürriyetoğlu, T. Caselli, N. Oostdijk, T. Nomoto, H. Hettiarachchi, . . . T. Hu). Retrieved from
“PROTEST-ER: Retraining BERT for Protest Event Extraction”, Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Challenges and Applications of Automated Extraction of Socio-political Events from Text (CASE 2021), 2021. (T. Caselli, O. Mutlu, A. Basile, and A. Hürriyetoğlu). online: Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL). Retrieved from
“Discovering Black Lives Matter Events in the United States: Shared Task 3”, Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Challenges and Applications of Automated Extraction of Socio-political Events from Text (CASE 2021), 2021. (pp. 218–227), 2021. (S. Giorgi, V. Zavarella, H. Tanev, N. Stefanovitch, S. Hwang, H. Hettiarachchi, . . . Hürriyetoğlu).
“Multilingual Protest News Detection – Shared Task 1”, Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Challenges and Applications of Automated Extraction of Socio-political Events from Text (CASE 2021) (pp. 79–91), 2021. (A. Hürriyetoğlu, O. Mutlu, E. Yörük, F. F. Liza, R. Kumar, and S. Ratan).
“Challenges and Applications of Automated Extraction of Socio-political Events from Text (CASE 2021): Workshop and Shared Task Report”, Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Challenges and Applications of Automated Extraction of Socio-political Events from Text (CASE 2021), 2021. (A. Hürriyetoğlu, H.Tanev, V. Zavarella, J. Piskorski, R. Yeniterzi, E. Yörük, . . . A. Villavicencio). online: Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL). Retrieved from
“Cross-Context News Corpus for Protest Event-Related Knowledge-Base Construction”, Data Intelligence, 3(2), 308–335, 2021. (A.Hürriyetoğlu, E. Yörük, O. Mutlu, F. Duruşan, Ç. Yoltar, D. Yüret, and B. Gürel).
“Random Sampling in Corpus Design: Cross-Context Generalizability in Automated Multicountry Protest Event Collection”, American Behavioral Scientist, 0(0), 00027642211021630, 2021. (E.Yörük, A.Hürriyetoğlu, Ç.Yoltar and F. Duruşan, F)
“Cross-context news corpus for protest events related knowledge base construction”, Automated Knowledge Base Construction (AKBC), 2020. (A. Hürriyetoğlu, E. Yörük, D. Yüret, O. Mutlu, Ç. Yoltar, B. Gürel and F. Duruşan)
“Automated extraction of socio-political events from news (AESPEN): Workshop and shared task report“, Proceedings of the Workshop on Automated Extraction of Socio-political Events from News (AESPEN), 2020. (A. Hürriyetoğlu, V. Zavarella, H. Tanev, E. Yörük, A. Safaya and Osman Mutlu)
“Analyzing ELMo and DistilBERT on Socio-political News Classification“, Proceedings of the Workshop Automated Extraction of Socio-political Events from News (AESPEN), 2020. (B. Büyüköz, A. Hürriyetoğlu and A. Özgür)
“Overview of CLEF 2019 Lab ProtestNews: Extracting Protests from News in a Cross-context setting“, in F. Crestani, et al. ed. Experimental IR Meets Multilinguality, Multimodality, and Interaction, Cham. Springer International Publishing, 2019. (A. Hürriyetoğlu, E. Yörük, D. Yüret, Ç. Yoltar, B. Gürel, F. Duruşan, O. Mutlu and A. Akdemir).
“A Task Set Proposal for Automatic Protest Information Collection Across Multiple Countries“, European Conference on Information Retrieval, 2019. (E. Yörük, D. Yüret, Ç. Yoltar, B. Gürel, F. Duruşan and O. Mutlu)
“Towards Generalizable Place Name Recognition Systems: Analysis and Enhancement of NER Systems on English News from India”, 12th Workshop on Geographic Information Retrieval, November 6, 2018, Seattle, WA, USA. (A. Akdemir, A. Hürriyetoğlu, E. Yörük, B. Gürel, Ç. Yoltar and D. Yüret)